Friday, December 6, 2013

Jamaaliday Gift Shop + New Items!

Hey Jammers!
This might be a short post, I don't have a lot to post. This is today's post by the way, I had to post the yesterday's post today. :)

Anyways, first, the Jamaaliday gift shop is in the diamond shop worth one diamond each! The good thing is that they're for ALL jammers!

There are some new items too! The Elf hat is back in Jamaa. I finally got the items at the Jamaaliday Jam too!
That wraps up this post!

Deer + Diamond Shop + New Items + New Updates!

Hey Jammers!
Sorry for not posting yesterday. I finished the post, I just forgot to hit publish. -.-
First of all, deer are here! Yay!

Next, there is a thing where they sell daily gifts of the past. I have all of them because I got one about a few years ago, but I don't remember the patch of lollipops.  The gingerbread house can be found in Jamaa too!

Third, reindeer are back in Jamaa, the gingerbread house is too (which I already told you).
 The Jamaaliday Jam Party has begun (actually a while ago) too. The Holiday Gift shop is also here (I told you that) too!
There is going to be a new adventure called Greely's Inferno. The deer is in the Conservation Museum.
That wraps up this post!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holiday Jammer Art + New Items

Hey Jammers!
I'm having this weird glitch right now that when you're editing your den.  For example, you roll over to a gum drop, and then you roll over to the sled, it says, gum drop. I'm really bad at explaining this right now. Anyways......................... :D

First of all,  there is awesome jammer art and most of them (or all) of them were for the holidays. , mostly (again, or all) of them were Jamaalidays theme.
Next, I got the items at the Play-as-your-pet party.

And that, my friends, wraps up this post!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New Items + The Great Nature Project!

Hey Jammers!
This is my first post with pictures for a while. :P

First, there are some new items. The snowman mask has come back, some Christmas items for your den is out too, and some of the Jamaaliday Jam Party items, which I couldn't really get a picture of. I'll get the pictures later and edit this post when I get the things for the party.
There is also something about The Great Nature Project on the Daily Explorer, along with a video with Dr. Tierny Thys (which I didn't get).
That wraps up the post. Sorry for the late post.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Not Posting + New Updates + New Items + Rare Item Monday!

Hey Jammers!
I know I haven't posted for a LOONG time. I didn't have my computer because it wasn't there and my sister wouldn't let me use her's . I'm not gonna post pictures or everything since I missed A LOT of things.

First of all, if you log in everyday from now until Christmas (Dec. 25), you'll receive a free gift!. I'm gonna post here what the items were each day, if you wanna view it, click here. They also put up a calendar when you log in on AJ.

Next, there is a little more info on deer, the new animal coming soon! Also, the Jamaaliday Jam is now on the Party list.

It's also rare item Monday! The rare item today is the rare snowflake cape, only available in stores today only!

That wraps up the post! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Awesome Jammer Art + Clearance Items + New Item!

Hey Jammers!

First, there is some new awesome jammer art. There are a lot pictures that have to do with rainbows.
Next, there are some clearance items. All of them are for the summer/spring time. The beach umbrella, beach towel, swimming pool, picnic basket, and the sand box are for clearance. Get them before they leave!

 There are also a new item! The new item is the mushroom chair.
   That's all!  I finished this post yesterday and I just had to click publish but I didn't have time because I was in a rush to a rehearsal. :) 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Coral Canyons Journey Book + Nothing, that's pretty much I could find :D

Hey Jammers!
I didn't really find much to post today. It might not be a lot. I also found out how to do more stuff on my blog. I finally changed the time zone to Pacific, to Eastern, but you don't really need to know that right now.

First, there is a journey book hint for coral canyons.  I found everything already, AJ created one a while ago.
See? Told ya it wouldn't be much.